Artificial Intelligence | AI

What is Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as machine intelligence in contrast to natural intelligence i.e. humans and animals and is based upon an installed program that is associated with the human brain such as "learning" and "problem-solving". In 1950,  Alen Turing (a computer scientist) written a paper in which he describes how can we determine machines think or not. Alin Turing did an experiment which is called the Turing test. The test base on a simple game in which hidden computer A and human B given that converse with another C person. If C is unable to answer, as a result then the A is considered to be able to "think".
this images defines a process of Turing test involve three participant i.e. Machine, Human and tester. The test conduct for AI.

Types of AI:

There are  four types of AI:
1. Reactive machines
2. Limited memory
3. Theory of mind
4. Self-awareness
Stages Of AI:
AI has been divided into sub-fields which base on technical consideration such as particular goals( e.g. robotics, machine learning), the use of the particular tool (logic or artificial neural network ) or deep philosophical differences and often fails to communicate with each other.
it indicate the three stages of AI i.e. Narrow  General AI, Super AI

Now  AI is broadly divided into three stages. Narrow AI is the ability of the computer to perform a particular specific task. Narrow AI examples are crawling a web page or playing chess. General AI is the stage where we are going. In this stage computer can perform any intellectual task just like a human. However, super AI is a state of AI where AI becomes much smarter than the best human brain in practically every field. Examples of super AI fields are scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills.

Rule-Based Bot:
 In 1956, the word of " artificial intelligence" was first used by Jhon McCarthy and he predicted that some machines will came into existence in the future and worked and thought like a human. "ELIZA" software (used to deal with the psychological problem) created in 1964-1966 at the MIT artificial intelligence Laboratory by Joseph Weizenbaum. "Shakey" is an AI software that is used to pick up the thing from one place to another.  In the 1980s, a software named "Deep Blue" designed by IBM  beat Garry Kasparov ( a world champion)  in chess. These are all  Rule-based Bot.

Neural Networks:
The neural network is a series of algorithms that try to recognize the basic relationships in a set of data through processes that mimic the way the human brain works and can adapt to changing neural network input. Therefore, the network produces the best possible results without the need to redesign the output quality.
this images indicate the process of how neural network works and how can it resemble to human brain
Artificial  neural network system
Today, neural networks are used for solving many business problems such as sales forecasting, customer research, data validation, and risk management. 

IS IBM Waston and  Eugene Goostman Sophia robot is based upon Neural networks?
IBM Watson which is AI-based software and developed by IBM won a quiz show Jeopardy" in 2011. Eugene Goostman ( first passed Turing test )Artificial Intelligence was developed specifically to mimic a 13-year-old boy who used techniques such as natural language processing, to enable subjects to examine his personality and level of knowledge. Both them based upon the machine learning system. However, Sophia did utilize  AI methods, including face tracking, emotion recognition, and robotic movements generated by deep neural networks.

Emerging Technology :
AI has increased the attention in recent years and it has been closer to our daily lives through the innovation of the internet. The combination of big data and the expansion of the Internet of things has led to the growth of new AI applications and services. Applications based on AI are already visible in healthcare diagnostics, target treatment, transportation, public safety, service robots, education, and entertainment. AI has also a potential to become a new engine for economic growth.
Self-Driving And Parking Vehicles
Digital Assistants
Vehicle Recognition Identification
Smart Cars and Drones
Social Media Feeds
Music and Media Streaming Services
Video Games
Online Ads Network
Navigation and Travel
Banking and Finance
Email a. Spam Filters b.  Smart Email Categorization
Plagiarism Checkers

Disruptive technology:
⦁If a machine could be built that has intelligence, could it even feel it? If it can feel it, does it have human-like rights? The issue, now known as "robot rights", is currently being considered by the California Institute for the Future, although many critics believe the debate is premature.
Some critics of transhumanism argue that any fictitious robot rights fall into the spectrum of animal rights and human rights. The topic has been hotly debated in many sci-fi media, such as the 2010 documentary Plug-and-Pry, and Star Trek Next Generation, with the role of Commander Data, who competed separately for research, and "Man Wanted to be, and the robotic hologram in Voyager.

If an AI system replicates all the important aspects of human intelligence, will that system also be emotional? Will it have conscious experiences in its mind? This question is closely related to the philosophical problem, such as the nature of human consciousness, which is commonly called the difficult problem of consciousness.

Weizenbaum was also disturbed that AI researchers (and some philosophers) were willing to understand the human mind as nothing more than a computer program (now a position now known as computationalism). According to Weizenbaum, these points suggest that AI research shortens human life.
Autonomous weapons which are artificial intelligence system used in different countries including the United States, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom. These base on the installed program and cause casualties if it's in the hand of the wrong person.

If AI robot technologies used in the industrial sector it would cause a sharp increase in unemployment globally by decreasing the demand for labor.

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